Return policy

I. Eligibility for Refund Application

· Purchase Period: You may request a refund within 7 days from the date you receive the product.

· Product Condition: The product must be unused and returned in its original, intact packaging.

II. Refund Application Process

· Submit Application: To initiate a refund, please submit a request through our customer service phone or official website, providing your order number and relevant documentation.

· Review and Confirmation: We will review your refund application within 3 business days and notify you of the outcome.

· Return of Goods: If your refund is approved, please return the product along with its original packaging to the designated address. The shipping costs will be borne by the consumer.

III. Refund Processing Time

· Refund Timeline: Once your refund request is approved, we will process the refund within 7 business days.

· Refund Method: The refund will be issued through the original payment method used at the time of purchase.

IV. Important Notes

· If the refund is due to a product quality issue, the shipping costs will be covered by our company.

· If the return is due to personal reasons (e.g., change of mind), the shipping costs will be the responsibility of the consumer.

· Refund requests that do not comply with our policy will not be accepted.

V. Disclaimer

· The company reserves the right to the final interpretation of this refund policy. Any adjustments to the policy will be communicated to consumers in advance.

Contact Us

Tel: 425424888

Email:[email protected]

Address:6 Hopkins St Corio VIC 3214